50 Useful Websites you need to visit (Bloggers & Non-bloggers)
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Without any delay, here goes the List of Useful websites you should visit daily.
There are more than a billion websites around the internet and sometimes it becomes hard to search through and find exactly what you want on the web, you understand that kind of thing when you just search Google or Bing or Baidu and yet the wrong websites that are not useful to you at the time keep pooping up.
To save you some stress, I have compiled this long list of 50 Useful Websites you need to visit (Bloggers & Non-bloggers) on the internet, I do visit them as well. This list can automate your online presence with hassles.
The below list provides some of those
websites that I find particularly helpful. This
is pretty long list but you will
find useful websites you need
- goo.gl - shorten long urls and convert urls into short codes.
- unfurlr.com - easily find a url hiding behind the short link.
- copypastecharacter.com - copy special characters that aren’t on your keyboard, it also includes emojis, currency, icons etc
- lovlycharts.com - create flowcharts, network diagrams, sitemaps etc.
- iconfinder.com — the best place to find free and premium icons of all sizes.
- office.com - Ya! Where you can purchase the latest version of Microsoft's Office suit
- followupthen.com -- the easiest way to setup email reminders (free).
- qClock - find the local time of a city using Google Map
- jotti.org - scan any suspicious file for viruses.
joliprint.com- reformat news articles and blog content as a newspaper.- ctrql.org/rss — a search engine for RSS feeds.
- random.org - pick random numbers. flip coins and more.
- pdfescape.com - lets you can quickly edit PDFs in the browser itself.
- tubemogul.com - simultaneously upload videos to YouTube and other video sites.
- myfonts.com - Get fonts free, quickly determine the font name from an image.
- google.com/webfonts — a good collection of open source fonts.
- sizeasy.com - visualize and compare the size of any picture.
- livestream.com — broadcast events live over the web, biding your desktop screen.
- iwantmyname.com - helps you search domains across all TLDs.
- typewith.me - work on the same document with multiple users.
- flightstats.com - Track flight status at airports worldwide.
- join.me - share you screen with anyone over the web.
- onlineocr.net - extract text from scanned pictures, photos or documents - see other OCR tools.
- wetransfer.com - for sharing really big files online.
- ¡mo.im - chat with your buddies on Skype, Facebook, Google Talk. etc. from one place.
- translate.google.com — translate web pages. PDFS and Office documents free.
- similarsites.com - discover new sites that are similar to what you like already.
- bing.com - just another search engine.
- tinychat.com - setup a private chat room in micro-seconds.
- google.com/history - found something on Google but can’t remember it now? Check your search history!
- zoom.it - view very high-resolution images in your browser without scrolling.
- marker.to - easily highlight the important parts of a web page for sharing.
- gtmetrix.com - the perfect tool for measuring your website performance online.
- ge.tt - quickly send a file to someone, they can even preview it before downloading.
- scr.im - Crate a shortlink for your email without exposing it to spammers, share you email address online without worrying about spam.
- homestyler.com — design from scratch or re-model your home in 3d.
- choirscript.com.ng - Print music sheet in solfa notation and upload yours free. Convert your music sheet from staff notation to Solfa
- noteflight.com - print music sheets in staff notation, write your own music online.
- whoishostingthis.com - find the web host of any website.
- woorank.com - research a website from the SEO perspective.
- typingweb.com - master touch-typing with these practice sessions.
- privnote.corn - create text notes that will self-destruct after being read.
- snopes.com - find it that email offer you received real or just another scam.
- talltweets.com - Send tweets longer than 140 characters.
- builtwith.com - Find the technology stack of any website.
- fiverr.corn - Hire people to do little things for $5.
- ifttt.com - Create a connection between all your online accounts, automate your social sharing with simple applets.
- minutes.io - quickly capture effective notes during meetings.
- bubbl.us — create mind-maps, brainstorm ideas in the browser.
Timerime.com - create headlines with audio and video aid images (shutting down in August, 2017).
Ya! That is 50 useful website you need to visit as a blogger, digital marketer, secretary or whatever, they are very useful especially if you want to automate your online presence of be effective in your day to day job.
I will be making a review of some of them (if not all), so stay tuned by subscribing to our newsletter.
Remember, #BeYou
Which other website do you use, be part of the next edition, use the comment box below.
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