How to choose a Niche – Inspirations
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Blog Doctor
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You want to start a blog right? Confused on how to get a profitable
niche or what is a niche all about for my blog? These are questions
banging on your head right now and you decided to ask the search engine
(google, bing, yahoo etc).
Yes, you landed on the right blog to solve your niche problems. A niche or a niche market is an area of expertise for your blog!
Like I put it in my start a blog post:
You may like: What does it take to start a Blog?
Here is a process to finding a niche for yourself:
Abrar Mohi Shafee ( says:
Yes, you landed on the right blog to solve your niche problems. A niche or a niche market is an area of expertise for your blog!
Like I put it in my start a blog post:
…. a niche is an area of specialty your blog focuses on to make a difference, in other words, a niche is a topic that you can write with little or no inspiration, even if I kick your butts on one faithful morning and say write this, you would give me your best article. That’s a niche.
What is a Niche Market?
A niche market is a selling area for your niche. It is where to find your prospective customers that can buy what you have to offer in your area of expertise, that is why you need to be a go-to expert in your niche. A Real Gee niche blog knows that if I can offer VALUE to my niche market, I can make sales even when I am not there. Hope that makes sense?You may like: What does it take to start a Blog?
How do I find a Niche?
Finding a niche and finding niche market keywords are important for your blog if you really want to make a head-way. I guess you have not bought a domain name because you need you niche keyword to appear on the domain for Google and other search engine bots to understand and trust your website is in a particular niche.Here is a process to finding a niche for yourself:
- What do you love writing about? If I wake you up in a nice refreshing morning and say write something on your niche can you give me the best article? Avoid blogging burn out by choosing a blog niche you love.
- Are you passionate about it? Think carefully, because sometimes you might be passionate about it but you can’t write even a damn about it.
- Craft your craft – Are you ready and willing to always learn to learn in the the above topic (niche)? If you want to stand out, the way to go is to specialize, that is the only way to dominate your niche.
Niche Inspirations for your blog
We can work you through the process of getting the best niche for your blog if you want, use the contact form to ask for a blog coachThese inspirational quotes were collated from big guys in the industry that have more or less dominated their niche to help you brainstorm and get the best and most suitable niche for YOU and your BLOG. Hope it inspires you to pick the right and profitable niche.
Abrar Mohi Shafee ( says:
“….give importance to the niche your are competent with, rather than the number of potential audiences, choose a niche depending on your ability….”Amy Segreti ( says:
” I would say you choose something that motivates you to be all of yourself. Don’t choose something that you hide parts of yourself while doing”.So, what are you waiting for! Start having fun DOING WHAT YOU LOVE by choosing the right niche for your blog!
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